Kimberly Gill, Board Member, Advocate, & Artist
The first time she was introduced to SowHope, Kimberly Gill, a member of the SowHope Board of Directors since 2017, was inspired. “The beauty and emotion captures in Mary’s photography and the stories she shared of these women’s lives…”, Kim says, “I knew it was an organization I wanted to get involved in.” Kim approached […]
Overcoming Domestic Abuse
During a visit to one of SowHope’s funded partners in South Asia who runs a Transitional Care Center (TCC) for trafficked and abused girls, women, and their children, one mother tearfully described what her life had been like. Elham was regularly beaten and sexually abused by her husband. She said that she could withstand the […]
New Life With Fistula Repair
Impoverished women suffer from many things that we have never imagined. One of them is obstetric fistula. A fistula occurs most often in young women during a long delivery with no medical intervention. The baby is frequently stillborn and the mother left with chronic incontinence. In developing countries, over 40% of women give birth without […]