It is always good to hear how people around the world use their resources to improve their lives. I recently visited a country, south of our border, and passed a guy selling cigars on a crowded street corner. I then overheard his witty sales pitch to a woman behind me.
Salesman: “Buy my cigars, Ma’am?”
Lady (clearly annoyed by the many sales hawkers all around her): “No thanks, I don’t smoke.”
Salesman: “Then buy some cigars for your friends.”
Lady: “I don’t have any friends.”
Salesman: “Then buy some cigars for your co-workers.”
Lady: “I don’t like my co-workers, so why would I buy them anything?”
Salesman: “Then buy them some cigars, their lives will end sooner!”
I don’t know if he actually made the sale, but, besides being very funny, I was impressed with his tenacity to find and eventually present a plausible need for his unseemly product to a potential (and mildly hostile) client. His working conditions were not easy. He was standing in the hot sun all day, a box of cigars strapped around both shoulders making a portable display table at his stomach; all in a very chaotic and competitive sales environment. Yet, he was able to maintain a good attitude and even bring a smile to those around him. Too bad he wasn’t selling chocolate. My friends and co-workers would have loved me to buy them some of that!