
Hope Versus Violence in DRC

Few places have endured violence and unrest for as long as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Nine pregnant women and a nurse were brutally murdered at a SowHope-funded birthing clinic last year. Because of this ongoing conflict, it was with some relief that SowHope recently received communication from Ngadjoy, a longtime SowHope partner. […]

New Opportunities in Asia

Always on the alert to find countries where women could benefit from SowHope-funded projects, President Mary Dailey Brown and Board Member Kathleen Muedder traveled to Myanmar and Nepal last December with Kate, the Executive Director of Harvest Bridge, an international nonprofit that has done work in South Asia for years. This exploratory trip gave Mary and […]

Reunion in Sierra Leone

Reunited and it felt so good! Dr. Sylivia Juta, who served on the SowHope Board and Program Team from 2012-2017, hosted a SowHope team that traveled to Sierra Leone in June. Her husband Papa, originally from Sierra Leone, wanted to move back to help rebuild his country. They are both university professors who desire to boost […]

Finding Support Through Tragedy

A SowHope team recently visited rural India to evaluate a tailoring training project impacting 160 women. The team was treated to an opportunity to watch the graduation ceremony for 40 women along with hearing stories of how the project impacted their lives. Renuka took part in the class because she wanted to work from home […]

Restoring Sight in South Sudan

Imagine slowly losing your sight. Transitioning from full independence to being led around with a stick by one of the young members of your family for the rest of your life. The young person becomes your daily guide and loses the opportunity to go to school. Blindness becomes a tremendous burden not only for you […]

2018 Annual Report

SowHope’s mission statement is: To inspire women around the world by promoting wellness, education, and economic opportunities. Here are some of the highlights of 2018, our 13th year of existence: SowHope hit a milestone, totaling over $1,000,000 in grants given over the life of the organization. SowHope’s income for the year 2018 was $416,035, with […]

Hazara’s Story

She smiles from ear to ear as she shows off her one-room shop. “I made all of these clothes myself!” she beams. Hazara’s story is the most successful among a group of 40 women who participated in a Tailoring Training project in the Tea Garden area of Bangladesh. The men and women of the communities […]

Matching Gift Alert – Burkina Faso Fistula Project

[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default”][image_with_animation image_url=”6090″ alignment=”center” animation=”Fade In” box_shadow=”none” max_width=”100%”][divider line_type=”No Line”][vc_column_text]At the age of 16, Aida had been in labor for three days and didn’t know where to turn. Neighbors in her community came together and paid for transport to the local clinic; unfortunately, […]

Overcoming Domestic Abuse

During a visit to one of SowHope’s funded partners in South Asia who runs a Transitional Care Center (TCC) for trafficked and abused girls, women, and their children, one mother tearfully described what her life had been like. Elham was regularly beaten and sexually abused by her husband. She said that she could withstand the […]

New Life With Fistula Repair

Impoverished women suffer from many things that we have never imagined. One of them is obstetric fistula. A fistula occurs most often in young women during a long delivery with no medical intervention. The baby is frequently stillborn and the mother left with chronic incontinence. In developing countries, over 40% of women give birth without […]