
Report from Kenya

Below is a narrative report from our partner in Kenya, Josephine. These challenges are very common and some of the main reasons that Josephine has given her life to spread these messages and empower women around the whole country of Kenya. Her English is not perfect and the text has only been lightly edited. The […]

Face Masks for Nepal

Single mothers with no way to provide for their family are being given a renewed opportunity to make a steady income. Anand, a local leader in Nepal, runs a small-scale mask making project that employs 40 of the most impoverished women in the community and pays a generous wage so they can support their children. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, Anand found […]

Hope Versus Violence in DRC

Few places have endured violence and unrest for as long as the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Nine pregnant women and a nurse were brutally murdered at a SowHope-funded birthing clinic last year. Because of this ongoing conflict, it was with some relief that SowHope recently received communication from Ngadjoy, a longtime SowHope partner. […]

New Opportunities in Asia

Always on the alert to find countries where women could benefit from SowHope-funded projects, President Mary Dailey Brown and Board Member Kathleen Muedder traveled to Myanmar and Nepal last December with Kate, the Executive Director of Harvest Bridge, an international nonprofit that has done work in South Asia for years. This exploratory trip gave Mary and […]

Reunion in Sierra Leone

Reunited and it felt so good! Dr. Sylivia Juta, who served on the SowHope Board and Program Team from 2012-2017, hosted a SowHope team that traveled to Sierra Leone in June. Her husband Papa, originally from Sierra Leone, wanted to move back to help rebuild his country. They are both university professors who desire to boost […]

Finding Support Through Tragedy

A SowHope team recently visited rural India to evaluate a tailoring training project impacting 160 women. The team was treated to an opportunity to watch the graduation ceremony for 40 women along with hearing stories of how the project impacted their lives. Renuka took part in the class because she wanted to work from home […]

Home Businesses Change Lives

Vinita’s heart is overflowing. As the local leader of a SowHope funded project at a vocational training center in India, she reports that women are blossoming. Three hundred women were trained at the center and all of them are now working, most from their own home businesses. The women are earning as much as $145 […]

Training: Road to Independence

In 2016, SowHope embarked on a two year project with our partner, Vinita from India. She is a local leader who encourages and empowers women from the slum areas near New Delhi to become more independent and self-sufficient through vocational training in cosmetology and tailoring. These women are at the mercy of their families and […]

Hope for Peace in South Sudan

In 2015, SowHope made its first visit to South Sudan. Mary Dailey Brown and Dr. Pam Ogor traveled there to meet with Mary G, SowHope’s partner, who organized meetings with local women. Devastated by war and famine, most women are at a huge disadvantage. They live in constant fear for their safety.

Hope for Peace in South Sudan

In 2015, SowHope made its first visit to South Sudan. Mary Dailey Brown and Dr. Pam Ogor traveled there to meet with Mary G, SowHope’s partner, who organized meetings with local women. Devastated by war and famine, most women are at a huge disadvantage. They live in constant fear for their safety.