
Global Teacher of the Year!

One million dollars! That is how much our partner from Pakistan recently won in the Varkey Foundation annual Global Teacher competition, an award ceremony held in Paris. There were over 7,000 applicants from 130 countries, and our own dear partner Sister Zeph was chosen for this prestigious award, paid out over 10 years. At age […]

SowHope Documentary Coming Soon!

The SowHope team has been hard at work capturing footage of incredible projects that we wish to share with you and a broader audience soon. We are excited to announce the release of our second documentary, which will feature some of the most impactful stories of hope from around the developing world! The documentary aims […]

International Women’s Day 2024 – Call for Award Nominations

On Friday, March 8th, 2024, SowHope will be hosting the second annual International Women’s Day march in downtown Grand Rapids! The inaugural event was a huge hit in the community. In addition to glowing news coverage from several stations, SowHope received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the over 100 people who attended the festivities. This year, […]

SowHope Star Volunteer, Priscilla Wilson

When Priscilla Wilson met Mary Dailey Brown at a church in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), she never imaged that one day she would live right down the street from the SowHope office in Grand Rapids, Michigan. “I was working as the children’s director at a church in Abu Dhabi in 2012 when a woman […]