The Tea Garden areas of Bangladesh are some of the poorest regions in the country where local people obtain day labor jobs at about $1/ day. When COVID-19 hit, the tea companies banned outsiders from coming in and stopped hiring local people to work. This situation has caused an immediate economic crisis where people cannot earn enough money to live day-to-day.
Our local partner, Bobita, determined that the real need on the ground was emergency food assistance for 220 families, because, frankly, people were hungry. One widow of 20 years, Minai, who normally works cleaning
houses, said that because of the pandemic, no one allows people into their homes. On days that she did not have housework she used to be able to find day labor jobs picking tea leaves, but that is also no longer an option. Recently, she has been cutting wood from a nearby forest and carries it to sell in the market, but this is difficult work for Minai, an elderly woman.
“For the past few months, I have had to live without food for many days. Sometimes, I can find wild potatoes in the jungle to boil. I thank God that I am not infected with the coronavirus. I am very happy and grateful that through the local women’s association, SowHope has helped me with these food items. Long live SowHope!”
Thank you for helping to support women like Minai who have struggled to live through long months of suffering.