All Aruna, from India, had ever known was stonecutting. As her family’s traditional work, it was the only skill she had for earning money, until she signed up for the SowHope-funded tailoring project in her village.
At 29, Aruna is a wife and the mother of three children. She would accompany her husband whenever there was work available and, for a whole day’s labor, she could earn up to 150 rupees ($2.05). On average, she made about $40 a month due to the inconsistency of the weather and available work. She struggled to manage the family on those meager earnings, even to cover just two meals a day.
During the 3-month tailoring workshop, Aruna learned to sew adult and baby clothes and, using the new sewing machine she earned, became skilled enough to make and sell clothes from her home. She now earns $75 dollars a month and has the advantage of being able to work from home where she can also be with and take care of her children.
A major outcome of this project is the dignity that Aruna feels as she has gained respect in her home and also in her community. Aruna earns enough that, for the first time, she has been able to put some of her wages into savings. She says, “I want to thank SowHope for giving me an opportunity to be a part of the training. Because of this skill, I became a seamstress and now I earn money and support my family! I want to save money to start a small business and also save for a bright future for my children.”
Thank you for your support which gives vision and hope, and helps to change the lives of women like Aruna.