At SowHope we are really thankful for Nicholas Kristof. He is a NY Times writer and co-author of the book “Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide”. He is one of the major voices speaking up for impoverished women in the world. His book, which he co-authored with his wife, Sheryl Wudunn, and which we highly recommend, depicts the plight of women that we strive to serve at SowHope.
The title of the book comes from a Chinese saying that women hold up half the sky. He was in Grand Rapids this past week and gave a great speech on the topic of women under oppression. Kristof believes that the best way to fight poverty is to educate and empower women and girls.
I stood in line after his speech to get my copy of his book signed and to meet this hero to women world-wide. He said hello and chatted with me. We laughed when he said that he remembered me running up to him in the Boston airport about six months ago to introduce myself and to hand him a SowHope brochure. I handed him another one and told him that we have impacted over 25,000 women through our programs. He was very encouraging and signed my book “Mary, Keep up the great work! You are holding up 2/3 of the sky!”
Ok, you Nicholas, you had me at hello!
Source: Sow Hope