
A lesson in sales

It is always good to hear how people around the world use their resources to improve their lives.  I recently visited a country, south of our border, and passed a guy selling cigars on a crowded street corner.  I then overheard his witty sales pitch to a woman behind me. Salesman: “Buy my cigars, Ma’am?” […]

Surviving or thriving; what is the key?

Last weekend my son, Alex, a friend, Mike, and I made what has become an annual winter trip to Tijuana and Tecate, northern border towns of Mexico.  From 1989 to 2005 our family went each summer with volunteer church teams to build one or two homes. Within a few years we added winter trips to […]

How important is it that women vote?

This week, I read about two women in their early 20’s who had just cast their votes.  The first one is Dalia, my friend from Egypt, who excitedly wrote on her Facebook page, “I voted! It took me six hours, but it was so worth it…” The other is Natalie from the Democratic Republic of […]