
Donation Gift Certificate

This holiday season, SowHope offers you the opportunity to give the gift of hope. If you donate as a gift to a loved one by December 15th, we will mail you a free Donation Certificate to present in honor of the recipient (we will pay the postage). Just tell us in the notes section when […]

Home Businesses Change Lives

Vinita’s heart is overflowing. As the local leader of a SowHope funded project at a vocational training center in India, she reports that women are blossoming. Three hundred women were trained at the center and all of them are now working, most from their own home businesses. The women are earning as much as $145 […]

Tragedy in DR Congo

Early this year, NASA noticed from satellite imagery that something seemed awry in the northeast Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). The imagery revealed systematic burning of whole villages. SowHope supports projects to empower women in seven of the villages in the targeted district. The President of SowHope Mary Dailey Brown, determined to see if the […]

Board Member, Katie Kirouac

Katie Kirouac joined the SowHope Board of Directors in 2016 and currently serves as the Board’s Vice Chair. Before beginning her current role as the Director of Development for Emmanuel Hospice, Katie served in the Peace Corps in Ghana for 2 years. Her passion for local and international causes is what brought her to SowHope. “During my time […]


“Our dream is to become a center for all of the poor in the city”, said Bassem, one of the local leaders who has become integral in partnering with SowHope to support women in the Middle East. Bassem’s team took Mary Dailey Brown, President of SowHope, and several SowHope volunteers to meet with women who […]


On December 25, 1492, Christopher Columbus’ ship, the Santa Maria, ran aground near the present site of Cap-Haiten in Haiti. A little over 525 years later, Beth Leeson and Mary Dailey Brown landed safely in Cap-Haiten to visit SowHope’s new partner, Ninotte! Haiti, with nearly 11 million people, is the most populous country in the […]

Learning to Sew & Making Friends

Recently, a small team visited SowHope projects in Jordan.  Former board members Dr. Pam Ogor and Beth Leeson accompanied SowHope president Mary Dailey Brown to this Middle East country. Jordan has a population of 10.2 million people of which nearly 3 million are refugees from their war-torn neighbors: Palestine, Syria, and Iraq.  The refugees are […]

Rita – Then & Now

Last October, Mary Dailey Brown, President of SowHope, visited several projects in Nigeria.  Our partner there is conducting projects in three states of Nigeria, and Boko Haram, the notorious terrorist group, is active in all three. This group was responsible for the well-known kidnapping of 276 school girls.  Boko Haram has caused the torture and killing of tens of thousands of […]

Training: Road to Independence

In 2016, SowHope embarked on a two year project with our partner, Vinita from India. She is a local leader who encourages and empowers women from the slum areas near New Delhi to become more independent and self-sufficient through vocational training in cosmetology and tailoring. These women are at the mercy of their families and […]

Board Member, Ndeye Rokhaya Ndao

“Aha! There is something I can do for Senegalese women who need help.” That was Ndeye Rokhaya Ndao’s reaction after she met Mary Dailey Brown, president and founder of SowHope. Ndeye has always dreamed of starting a nonprofit organization that focuses on women, education, health, economic development and emergency preparedness. She decided to get involved at SowHope and to learn all she could about running a non-profit organization. Ndeye has been a […]