
Training: Road to Independence

In 2016, SowHope embarked on a two year project with our partner, Vinita from India. She is a local leader who encourages and empowers women from the slum areas near New Delhi to become more independent and self-sufficient through vocational training in cosmetology and tailoring. These women are at the mercy of their families and […]

Board Member, Ndeye Rokhaya Ndao

“Aha! There is something I can do for Senegalese women who need help.” That was Ndeye Rokhaya Ndao’s reaction after she met Mary Dailey Brown, president and founder of SowHope. Ndeye has always dreamed of starting a nonprofit organization that focuses on women, education, health, economic development and emergency preparedness. She decided to get involved at SowHope and to learn all she could about running a non-profit organization. Ndeye has been a […]

Business and Leadership Training

Just last month, SowHope forged a new partnership with a non-profit organization based in Thailand that provides leadership and business training for women who are either victims of human trafficking, refugees, or have been displaced.  This project includes personal counseling, theoretical and practical business training. SowHope awarded a grant to our partner to support women […]

Goats For A Better Future

  Recently, we received a report from our partner in the Eastern Region of DRC, Democratic Republic of Congo, on the progress of their agricultural project. In autumn of 2015, a team from SowHope traveled to the DRC to meet with Claudaline, our partner, to evaluate her animal husbandry, farming, and health projects. In the DRC, […]