
Crisis Response

We have reached a point of crisis not experienced in most of our lifetimes. The recent events surrounding racial injustice and anarchy combined with enduring the difficulties associated with COVID-19, have given us a greater measure of empathy with the women we serve around the world. Every day they live with violence, poverty, fear, death, […]

Face Masks for Nepal

Single mothers with no way to provide for their family are being given a renewed opportunity to make a steady income. Anand, a local leader in Nepal, runs a small-scale mask making project that employs 40 of the most impoverished women in the community and pays a generous wage so they can support their children. Even before the COVID-19 crisis, Anand found […]

Volunteer, Diane Cisler

Diane Cisler believes “we all have an inherent responsibility to make this a better world.” To that end, she volunteers her time to a variety of causes – SowHope being at the top of her list. A self-described “consummate foodie,” Diane has hosted several of SowHope’s Board of Directors’ retreats – opening her home and […]

16,806 & Counting

Josephine is one of the many dedicated local partners SowHope supports. She is an exemplary leader and has facilitated many microfinance and transformational development opportunities in Kenya, a country where SowHope projects, funded with your donations, have benefited over 16,800 women. Her work and commitment to empowering marginalized women through education and economic opportunities has […]

South Sudan Cataract Camp Matching Gift Appeal

Dear Donor, The financial support YOU give SowHope has impact. Because of your generosity, nearly 200 women in South Sudan had their eyesight restored, while another 259 women received medication to prevent blindness at a Cataract Camp SowHope funded last March. That’s the good news! The reality, though, is almost 900 people came to the Camp—hoping […]

Esther Giedeman: Running for a Purpose

In order to make a small difference as part of a larger, global cause, Esther ran the Bayshore Marathon in Traverse City, Michigan, on May 25, 2019. She only started running two years ago, but has already run three marathons! Esther dedicates each one for a good cause. Born in Cameroon, Africa, as a daughter of […]

Kimberly Gill, Board Member, Advocate, & Artist

The first time she was introduced to SowHope, Kimberly Gill, a member of the SowHope Board of Directors since 2017, was inspired. “The beauty and emotion captures in Mary’s photography and the stories she shared of these women’s lives…”, Kim says, “I knew it was an organization I wanted to get involved in.” Kim approached […]

Matching Gift Alert – Grace Community Birth Center

[vc_row type=”in_container” full_screen_row_position=”middle” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″ tablet_text_alignment=”default” phone_text_alignment=”default”][vc_column_text] You have a monumental opportunity to be a part of something great. In our summer newsletter and again at our annual Gala, we introduced Ninotte and her dream of building a birth center to serve the 30,000 inhabitants of the Terrier […]


SowHope’s mission statement is: To inspire women around the world by promoting wellness, education, and economic opportunities. Here are some of the highlights of 2017, our 12th year of existence: –SowHope’s income for the year 2017 was $366,432, with ending net assets of $232,777. [divider line_type=”No Line” custom_height=””] –SowHope’s 2017 operating expenses totaled $309,605, with […]