2022 Needs for Nepal
In 2021, Jyoti, our partner in Nepal, saw a need for women to understand maternal health. She also noticed the great need for many women who suffered from a prolapsed uterus. She decided that she needed to host a maternal health camp to educate over 300 women about maternal health, while providing opportunities for medicine […]
2022 Needs for Nigeria
Sarah, our partner in Nigeria, has been completing projects from community to community since 2007, cultivating dozens of women leaders and empowering thousands of women. She has sown hope, and that hope continues to grow! In 2022, she plans to oversee 29 small projects to give 672 opportunities in every SowHope program area. These projects […]
Devadasi – A Tradition of Slavery
Despite several court orders to abolish it, there are still a few states in India which continue to practice the Devadasi tradition, which dates back to the 6th century. Devadasi is translated as the feminine form of “slave of god”. Within the tradition, young girls are dedicated and married to the temple deity, Yellamma, before […]
Terrorism Hits Close to Home in Nigeria
Boko Haram, a terrorist organization in northeastern Nigeria, continues to terrorize in many areas where our Nigerian partner, Sarah, oversees more than 25 SowHope projects empowering women. Recently, Sarah’s cousin and his friend were killed during a brutal attack in her parents’ hometown. During the attack, people from the town ran for their lives, including […]