SowHope Hires Program Director, Dr. Sylivia TsiTsi Juta

Dr. Sylivia Tsitsi Juta’s involvement with SowHope started all the way back in 2007, just over a year after the organization was founded. Working as a high school teacher in Zimbabwe, Sylivia had come to the U.S. to further her education, obtaining a master’s degree in Public Administration at Grand Valley State University (GVSU) and […]
Requisite Response to Economic Disaster in Rural Bangladesh

Over the past 20 years, our partner in Bangladesh, Nelson, conducted successful SowHope-funded projects which have helped more than 10,000 women become microfinance entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, due to the long-lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, the overall inflation rate in Bangladesh jumped to 7.56% since July of 2022 while food inflation rose to 9.74% over the […]
From Gravel to Gratitude

Women around the world have the worst jobs. In Sierra Leone, women work 8 hours a day and make ten cents an hour breaking stones into gravel. Most women are widows with children and the wages they earn barely give them and their children enough to survive day to day. Stone breaking is a dangerous […]